Harper Collins has the First Look program which this month offers 12 different books in the genres I chose. You just send them a quick message on their contact form saying why you'd like to review the book and they let you know when the drawing date for receiving the book is. Last month I got The Stepmother by Carrie Adams for free and I loved it. They ask you to write a brief (2-3 sentence) review of the book. I love this program because they let you know the outcome of each drawing you applied for. The book is shipped free of charge right to your home. It's free to sign up so click here!
Random House also has a program called Read it Forward where you receive a monthly newsletter from them highlighting at least one book that you can email them and request a copy of. Again, it is free to sign up by clicking here.
There is another new book program called Reader Spoils that I recently joined. Here authors are paying (with Starbucks gift cards) you to read their book and write a review on Amazon or another designated site. This one is also free to join by clicking here. They say they will let you know via email when they have a new book for you to review, but so far I haven't received any. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I love FREE BOOKS!