Don't have a Upromise account? Read my earlier post about Upromise here and start saving!
If you're already a member, just log on and add the new coupons to your account. If you're not a member, click here to join and then register your store cards to the site, then choose the coupons for the month. Remember, you don't need to have a child to sign up for Upromise - you can designate your savings for a family member (grandchild, niece or nephew) or even a friend's child. It's FREE to join and save!
This month there are over $48 in coupons, including for Little Debbie, Blue Bunny, Cabot and Bic, among many others! For a full list of this month's UPromise e-coupons, check out this post at Bargain Briana.
For Publix shoppers, even though there is no store rewards card, there is a Publix UPromise card especially so you can take advantage of the UPromise coupons at Publix - check out the information here.