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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fitness at Work! BreakPal Review & Giveaway

Many of you know that I work a full-time day job and blog in the early mornings and late evenings. I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk and was so happy when the folks over at Breakpal contacted me recently to see if I was interested in introducing my readers to their great service.

Sitting at a desk without moving for long periods of time is not good for your back, posture and overall health. Sitting at a desk all day does nothing for your health and your body. We need to get moving more and BreakPal will help you do just that. BreakPal is easy to use and you get a FREE trial to test the service and see its benefits.

Basically you download the program and install the widget onto your computer. That's it! Every 30 minutes (or at whatever time interval you designate), a woman's voice comes on the computer reminding you that it's time to take a short break. You will also see a symbol appear on your computer as a reminder in case your sound is turned off. The woman (her name is Liz) then walks you through several minutes of exercises that you can do right at your desk. You can ignore the widget and keep working if you want, though there's no health benefit to that! I found that the break I get when I do the exercises on BreakPal is the perfect amount of time for me to relax, regroup and then refocus when I sit back down.

The folks at BreakPal have graciously decided to give five (5) of my lucky readers their own non-expiring membership to BreakPal! To enter, you MUST visit the BreakPal website here and read about the service. Then come back to my blog and leave a comment in this post letting me know why you'd love to win this great giveaway! Make sure to leave your email address so I can contact the winners.

There are six (6) "extra" ways to enter (each one below gets you one additional entry):

1. subscribe to my blog (either via email using the box in the left sidebar or RSS feed). If you already subscribe leave a comment saying you do. If you subscribe by email you MUST confirm your email and activate the subscription.

2. follow me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/NicolesNickels) and tweet about this giveaway. If you already follow me that's fine, just comment with a link back to the tweet about this giveaway.

3. blog about this giveaway (leave the link in the comment)

4. email 5 people about this giveaway (please cc me on this email - nicolesnickels at gmail dot com and leave a comment saying you sent the email)

5. grab my button for your site (leave the link to where the button is in the comment)

6. add the link to this giveaway on a Mr. Linky about giveaways or on a blog giveaway site, blog carnival or forum or yahoo group (leave link to where you did this in the comment)

You MUST leave a comment answering the question above as your first entry and then additional entries are governed by the terms above. You MUST leave a separate comment for each entry you are able to make. Feed and email subscribers will need to click on to my actual blog to leave a comment. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, 18 years old or over, and the winners will be chosen by random.org. This giveaway will be good until May 8 at 9:00 pm Eastern time and a winner will be announced soon thereafter. If the winner does not respond to my email within 48 hours then I will pick a new winner. Good luck!

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