Sheri at Swaggrabber has the full list of match-ups for you to read here. Please check out her full post for more information on the abbreviations she uses in her match-ups. If you don't live in Florida or don't shop at Publix, please head over to The Grocery Gathering where you can find match-ups for all grocery stores!
Here are some of the best Publix highlights for the week:
Yoplait Yogurt BOGO $2.87-
Use two $1.50/1 PRINTABLE coupons - hit back to print two
FREE plus overage after coupons
Muellers Pasta BOGO $1.39-
Use the $1/3 PRINTABLE coupon - NO PRINT LIMIT!!!
Buy 2 (or as many as you want in multiples of 2) and use two coupons
$.36 each with coupons
Ken's Steakhouse Marinade BOGO $2.79-
Use two $1/1 coupons found in the 03-08-09 SS insert
$.39 each after coupons
Fresh Express Salad 2/$5-
Use two $1/1 coupons found in the Publix Yellow Advantage flyer
$1.50 each after coupons