I found a new offer for a $25 Target giftcard that seems pretty straightforward to do. It is called Nicole's Saving Advantage and says it will save you up to 90% on things you buy everyday.
It costs $1.95 to join (use prepaid card or virtual credit card number if you are worried about giving your credit card info.) and they will MAIL you the form to fill out to get the $25 Target giftcard. You fill it out and then MAIL it back. The trial is 30 days after which you will pay $9.95 per month.
I would advise to complete the paperwork for the giftcard right away since you have to rely on the mail for this one. If you are not a member at the time they go to process your giftcard they won't send it to you so you have to stay a member to receive the $25 giftcard.
If you get the giftcard within the 30 day trial and then decide to cancel, you've only paid $1.95 and received a $25 giftcard. If you stay for the second month and decide to cancel, you've paid $11.90 and received a $25 giftcard. A third month and you've paid $21.85 but received a $25 giftcard. Remember, though, sometimes you can call a company and ask to have your trial extended to try out the service a little more before committing to full payment of a month.
I have heard of people receiving their giftcard within the first 30 days but many not until after the trial has expired and they have paid for their first month. This offer is not as quick as the previous giftcard offers I posted about here and you may have to stay a member to get your giftcard on this one, just a heads up.
As with all online offers, copy and paste the terms and conditions for your records, keep detailed receipts and records, and calendar the your trial expiration a few days prior to the actual expiration to give yourself a little time to decide if you want to cancel or keep the service.