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Monday, October 12, 2009

Networking Witches Giveaway

When I first got an email from the nice ladies over at Networking Witches I thought their site had something to do with actual witches or witchcraft. Boy, was I wrong! Networking Witches was started by 2 moms who wanted to create a forum and boards for moms to go and trade things and exchange information. Basically, it's all about moms helping moms! There is no fee to become a member.

Why witches? Joie explained that its a "loving" term coined by their husbands! That made me laugh. What can you find on Networking Witches? Basically anything and everything! They have weekly recipes and menus and even the ability to create a grocery list. There is also an auction board and a garage sale board as well as coupon trade/exchange, giveaways, and freebies area.
The ladies over at Networking Witches have graciously decided to give one (1) of my lucky readers the Avon prize pack pictured above, which contains a travel size Avon Cucumber Melon lotion and a body wash along with a Pouf and Avon Foot Massager! To enter, you MUST visit the Networking Witches blog and do two (2) of the following: subscribe via email to their blog, friend them on facebook, and/or follow them on Twitter. Your choice of which 2 you do but you must make sure to come back gere and then leave a comment telling me which 2 you did. Make sure to leave your email address so I can contact the winners. This is a mandatory entry and the extra entries will not count unless you do this entry.

There are six (6) "extra" ways to enter (each one below gets you one additional entry):

1. subscribe to my blog (either via email using the box in the left sidebar OR via RSS feed). If you already subscribe leave a comment saying you do. If you subscribe by email you MUST confirm your email and activate the subscription.

2. follow me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/NicolesNickels) and tweet about this giveaway. If you already follow me that's fine, just comment with a link back to the tweet about this giveaway. You must tweet about the giveaway for this entry to count.

3. blog about this giveaway (leave the link in the comment)

4. email 5 people about this giveaway (please cc me on this email - nicolesnickels at gmail dot com and leave a comment saying you sent the email)

5. grab my button for your site (leave the link to where the button is in the comment)

6. add the link to this giveaway on a Mr. Linky about giveaways or on a blog giveaway site, blog carnival or forum or yahoo group (leave link to where you did this in the comment)

You MUST leave a comment answering the question above as your first entry and then additional entries are governed by the terms above. You MUST leave a separate comment for each entry you are able to make. Feed and email subscribers will need to click on to my actual blog to leave a comment. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, 18 years old or over, and the winners will be chosen by random.org. This giveaway will be good until October 21 at 9:00 pm Eastern time and a winner will be announced soon thereafter. If the winner does not respond to my email within 48 hours then I will pick a new winner. Good luck!
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