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Thursday, October 22, 2009

WINNERS - Joey Totes, Networking Witches and Once in a Blue Moon Giveaways

It's time to pick some winners! Chosen from random.org, the following are the winners of the Joey Totes, Networking Witches and Once in a Blue MoonGiveaways. I've emailed the winners and they have 48 hours to email me back. If I don't hear from them within 48 hours, I'll draw new winners.

The winner of the Joey Totes Giveaway is Colleen.

The winner of the Networking Witches Avon Package Giveaway is Sabrina.

The winner of the Eileen Goudge Once in a Blue Moon Giveaway is Dina.

Another FYI - This time I had to pick additional winners because many of you do not have public Blogger profiles! If you don't leave your email address in your comment entry then I have no way of contacting you and have to pick another winner!
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