Sunday coupon inserts:
The one we all know about is the Sunday newspaper insert. You can have more than one delivered to home and can usually receive a discount on the additional copies. Ask your neighbors, friends and co-workers to give you their inserts if you haven't made them coupon believers yet!
Coupons that come with FREE samples:
Most FREE samples that you sign up for will come with at least one (1) coupon for the product you are sampling. Many of these are high-value coupons! I love my FREE sample but I love the coupons the come with them, too!
Coupons in home mailers:
In-home mailers are often chock-full of great coupons!
1. Eat Better America
2. Betty Crocker booklet with $10 in coupons
3. Pillsbury booklet with $10 in coupons
Printing coupons online
There are many online printables sites where you can get additional coupons. Most of these sites allow you to use the "back" button on your browser to print 2 copies of each coupon. Remember to check your store's policy on Internet printable coupons as not every store accepts them.
1. - use the blue widget on my right sidebar to scroll through and print the coupons. Right now there are some very high value coupons on there. These are not available very long so if you see something that you like print it right then! Sometimes coupons that are no longer available will be re-set and you'll get some more prints of them. Usually, you can use the "back" button on your browser to be able to print 2 copies of each coupon.
2. Smartsource - You can print these Smartsource coupons up to 2 times each.
3. Couponbug - You can print these Couponbug coupons up to 2 times each.
4. Red Plum - You can print these Red Plum coupons up to 2 times each.
5. Boodle - You can print these Boodle coupons up to 2 times each.
No-clip coupons:
There are several ways to save money at the store without clipping any coupons.
1. CellFire, P&G EasySaver and Shortcuts - these online coupon sites "load" the coupons you choose each month onto your store loyalty card. Not all stores use these sites so check the site to seeif your favorite store accepts them!
2. Upromise e-coupons - check this post for the many reasons U-Promise can help you save money and sign-up! Each month you can load the coupons onto your store loyalty cards at stores such as CVS, Meijer, Kroger, etc. and save money without clipping coupons!
Store coupon printables:
Many stores have their own printable coupon sites. Check your store's site if it's not listed here.
1. Target printable coupon generator hosted by Hot Coupon World
2. Walgreens coupons
3. Albertson's coupons
4. Safeway coupons
Ordering paper coupons online to be mailed to your home:
You can order coupons online from ebay or from Coupon Clippers or Cents-Off which are both services where you place specific orders of the coupons you want/need, pay a nominal fee for the coupons and receive them within days of your order.
Coupon Clippers